Attendance Policy
- Students should be on campus no later than 8:00 a.m.
- Students must attend school 85% of the school year.
- Three absences excused or unexcused will cause parents to receive a truancy letter.
- Three tardies equal one absence.
- Students with excessive absences will be referred to the School Attendance and Review Team (SART).
School Attendance is MANDATORY. Crozier is a place where students not only learn the academic skills to prepare them for college or the world of work but the life skills needed to survive and attain success in our society. We believe that setting high goals (in the area of attendance and promptness) is very important to our student's as good habits. These skills will serve the students well on the road to self-mastery. Every student is expected to come to school and be on time for all classes – ESPECIALLY FIRST PERIOD.
Definition of being Tardy: A student who is NOT at his or her workstation when the tardy bell rings.
Students who require a Readmit must process through the Attendance Office with a time-stamped PAC (Pupil Admit Card or readmit). ABSENCES MUST BE CLEARED WITHIN 3 DAYS of the absence.
- The Attendance Office will process returning students who were absent from 7:30 A.M. to 7:55 A.M. Students must have a valid, written excuse from a parent or guardian. If no excuse is available, the student will be readmitted as a TRUANT (Unexcused). After 7:55 A.M. students must go to the Attendance Office for Tardy and Readmit Processing.
- Students arriving late WITH or WITHOUT a tardy excuse after period 1 are to be processed by the Attendance Office. Students who have a VALID tardy excuse will receive a Readmit and sent to class. Once students arrive at school, they are not permitted to depart campus for any reason except for excused appointment or emergencies (through the Nurse’s office or Attendance Office)
- During the first period, teachers must not allow students into class after the tardy bell has rung unless they have processed through the Attendance Office.
- Students who are late a third time will be assigned lunch detention with Administration. Counselors must call home and notify a parent of the tardy and the detention. No shows to this detention with Administration. Counselors must call home and notify a parent of the tardy and the detention. No shows to this detention will be referred to Administration for more serious consequences. When a student is Tardy (7) times he/she will receive a 2-day suspension.
- After the first period, tardy students must get a tardy pass from an Administrator.
- Teachers will annotate tardies in their Roll-book/Aeries and notify parents every THIRD tardy.
- After FIVE tardies, the teacher must refer student to his/her counselor for a parent conference/SART.
Reglas de Asistencia y Tardias de Crozier Middle School
Asistencia a la escuela es OBLIGATORIA. Nuestra escuela es un lugar donde estudiantes no solamente aprenden destrezas académicas en preparación para Universidad o el mundo de trabajo pero también inculcamos en ellos como comportarse con conocimientos correctos para tener exito en la sociedad. Creemos que aspirando a y trabajando hacia metas bien altas en el área de asistencia y prontitud es muy importante para obtener y mantener empleo.
Todo estudiante TIENE QUE entrar al campus TEMPRANO y estar en su clase a tiempo – ESPECIALMENTE PARA EL PRIMER PERIODO.
Definición de tardías: El estudiante que NO ESTÁ en su sitio cuando toca la campana será marcado TARDE.
Estudiantes que requieren ser readmitidos a la escuela tienen que procesar por la Oficina de Asistencia. Si estudiantes han estado ausentes, tienen que recibir un boleto (Readmit) con estampa del dia/hora antes de poder entrar a la clase el día después de una ausencia. AUSENCIAS TIENEN QUE SER ACLARADAS DENTRO DE TRES DIAS desde la ausencia. No esperen.
- La Oficina de Asistencia acepta estudiantes que han estado ausentes entre las 7:30 A.M. y 7:55 A.M. Estudiantes deben tener una escusa escrita VALIDA de los padres o guardianes. Si no tienen escusa, el estudiante recibirá UN “Readmit” No Escusado. Después de las 7:55 A.M. (al tocar la campana de aviso), estudiantes tienen que ir al auditorio para procesar su tardia.
- A partir del Seundo Periodo, estudiantes que llegan tarde con o sin escusa deben ser procesados por la Oficina de Asistencia. Estudiantes on una escusa VÁLIDA recibirán un “Readmit” y serán mandados a su clase. Si estudiantes NO TIENEN una escusa, recibirán un “Readmit” NO ESCUSADO. Desde el momento que estudiantes llegan a la escuela, no estan permitidos salir de la escuela por ninguna razón a memos que han sido escusados por emergencia o recogidos por padres para una cita con doctor u otra escusa adecuada (a medida de la Oficina de Asistencia o la Enfermera). Padres – recojan sus hijo/as por la Ofician De Asistencia.
- Durante el Primer Periodo, maestros no deben admitir estudiantes a sus salones de clase después de la campana a menos que cilos han sido procesados por la oficina de asistencia.
- Después del Primer Periodo, Estudiantes que están tardes, tienen que obtener un pase de un Administrador.
- Maestros tienen que anotar tardias en su Registro y computadora y notificar a padres DESPUES de cada TRES tardias.
- Después de CINCO tardias, El Maestro tiene que referir el estudiante a el consejero para un junta con los padres.
- Si un estudiante continua llegando tarde 5 dias ó más, el Maestro tiene que referir el estúdiate a su administrador para más fuerte acción. (Usando la forma “Chronic tardy/Attendance Referral Form”).
Student Attendance Review Team
The Student Attendance Review Team (SART) aims to work with families to ensure that students comply with compulsory education laws. SART is both a prevention and intervention tool that can be utilized to address truancies, excessive tardies, and excessive absences. The SART’s duties include:
- Reviewing school-wide attendance data
- Creating prevention strategies to encourage consistent student attendance
- Identifying students struggling to meet attendance expectations
- Creating interventions plans for struggling students
- Monitoring progress of students on contracts
- Determining consequences for excessive absences, up to and including, loss of course credit or referral to the judicial system
SART Members: The SART consists of the principal and designated classified and certified staff members. The student and parent/guardian experiencing attendance issues are encouraged to participate in the SART process. Members shall be trained and shall understand the confidential nature of the SART when dealing with student names and identifying information. Members should meet on a regular basis to execute the duties defined above. In addition, the SART should convene as required when a student has accumulated an excessive amount of absences truancies.
Legal Interventions: The SART reserves the right to involve the judicial system in cases of excessive absences, excessive tardies, and habitual truancy. Once the case is referred to the authorities, the student and parent/guardian may be subjected to the following sections of the California Penal Code:
- Sections 13202.7 (a) Californa Vehicle Code: “Any minor under the age of 18 years, but 13 years of age or older, who is an habitual truant, or who is adjudged by the juvenile court to be a ward of the court under subdivision (b) Section 601 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, may have his/her driving privilege suspended for one year by the court.” A habitually truant may loss driving privileges for one year.”
- Section 601. Welfare and Institutions Code: (a) “Any persons under the age of 18 years who persistently or habitually refuses to obey the reasonable and proper orders or redirections of his or her parents, guardian, or custodian, or who is beyond the control of that person….is within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court…..” A student who does not follow orders of parents or guardians can be placed under the control of the court.
- Section 601. Welfare and Institutions Code: (b) “if a minor has four or more truancies within one school year as, or a school attendance review board or probation officer determines that the available public and private services are insufficient or inappropriate to correct the habitual truancy of the minor, or to correct the minor’s persistent or habitual refusal to obey the reasonable and proper orders or directions of school authorities, or if the minor fails to respond to directives of a school attendance review board or probation officer or to service provided, the minor then within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court which may adjudge the minor to be a ward of the court.